
Happy School Construction in “full swing”


A dream for all of us in the community - the “Happy School” is very close to its completion. With a generous support from the Ecovis and Friends ( as well as CharityClubber (, we are able to construct the first building for the School.

In around 3 weeks’ time, the building will shall be ready along with the required resources for the highly marginalized kids of Bote Tole. The parents as well as the children are super excited to study in this first Montessori-type school in their community. We are not just focusing on the book-based knowledge rather the respect to nature, humanity and cultural diversity are the major thematic areas of knowledge-interface at Happy School.

“This is going to be something we have never thought would happen in our community” said one of the local parents Mr. Jit Bahadur Mahato who is so happy to enroll his son at Happy School. Every household in the Bote Tole are giving their 2 days of free labor contribution in the construction of the building of Happy School, which in itself is positive sign of community engagement and cooperation.

“Studying just adjacent to open green nature, with a very state-of-art resources, qualified teachers, free tiffin and no education fees is what we are planning to deliver to the local children here. We might gradually intake the children from other areas and opulent families to make a balance of social contribution and gradually reduce the “existing gaps” between rich and poor mindsets which should actually start from the children” remarked Raghav Pratap, the co-founder of the Foundation.

“Videh Foundation encourages the volunteers from Nepal as well as abroad to be part of this noble initiative and contribute in any possible ways they can. We are open for the volunteers from around the world to a diverse spectrum, from music to fine arts, from teaching language to sports”  he further added.